Saturday 26 November 2011

National Museum (Elephant Museum)

National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia or the Elephant Museum, is a museum located in Central Jakarta, precisely at Jalan Merdeka 12. National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia is one exaple of manifestation of European influence, especially the spirit of the Enlightenment, which appears at about age 18. This building was built in 1862 by the Dutch Government under the Governor-General JCM Radermacher as a response to the association Bataviaasch Genootschap Kunsten van en Wetenschappen aimed reviewing scientific research in the Netherlands Indies. The museum was inaugurated in 1868, but the embryo of the Museum as an institution was born in 1778, precisely on 24 April, at the time of formation Bataviaasch Kunsten Genootschap van en Wetenschappen by the Dutch government. Radermacher donate a building located at Jalan Kalibesar along with a collection of books and cultural objects that form the basis for the establishment of the museum. In the reign of England under the leadership of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1811-1816), who also serves as Director of Bataviaasch Genootschap Kunsten van en Wetenschappen ordered the construction of a new building located on Jalan Majapahit 3. 
This building was used as a museum and meeting rooms for the Literary Society (formerly called "Societeit de Harmonie".) This building is now located at the State Secretariat complex. In 1862, after the collection meet museum at Jalan Majapahit, the Dutch East Indies government established a new building located at 12 West Independence Way. This building was opened to the public in 1868. The National Museum is known as Museum Gajah since a bronze statue of an elephant by King Chulalongkorn of Thailand was gifted in 1871. But on May 28, 1979, the name officially became the National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia. Then on 17 September 1962, the Cultural Institute of Indonesia who managed, submitting to the government of the Republic of Indonesia Museum. Since then it was managed by the Directorate General of History and Archaeology, under the Ministry of Education and Culture. But starting in 2005, the National Museum was managed the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Based on the website of the National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia in 2001 showed that the collection has reached 109,342 pieces.The number of collections that make this museum is known as the most comprehensive in Indonesia. In 2006 the number had exceeded 140,000 collections of fruit, but only a third that can be shown to the audience. 


Badik is a dagger or knife with a typical form developed by the Bugis and Makassar. Dagger sharp single or double sided, with a length reaching about half a meter. Like kris, asymmetrical shape and the blade often decorated with prestige. However, different from the dagger, the dagger never had marijuana (buffer strip).
Bugis community
In the view of the Bugis Makassar, every type of dagger has magic powers (magic). These forces may affect the conditions, circumstances, and the life process owners. Correspondingly, there is a belief that the dagger is also capable of causing tranquility, peace, welfare and prosperity or misery, poverty and suffering for the store.
Since hundreds of years ago, the dagger is used not only as a weapon for self-defense and hunting but also as the identity of an ethnic group or culture. This dagger is not only famous in Makassar area, but also of the region, Bugis and Mandar with different names and forms.
In general badik consists of three parts, namely upstream (the handle) and blade (iron), as well as a complement is a dagger sheath or scabbard. In addition, there is also the prestige that is believed to affect the lives of their owners.
Badik Makassar
Badik Makassar has kale (blades) are flat, battang (stomach) distended and sharp and cappa '(tip) is tapered. This dagger is shaped like a dagger called Sari. Badik Sari is made up of pangulu (dagger handles), sumpa 'kale (body dagger) and banoang (dagger sheath). Other Bugis Makassar others also, in this area called kawali dagger, like Kawali King (Bone) and Kawali hornbills (Luwu).
Badik Bugis Luwu
Bone dagger Kawali Bugis has bessi or a flat blade, pointed tip and forms a little wide in the end, while kawali Luwu have bessi shaped flat and straight. Kawali also have the parts, such as pangulu (upstream), bessi (bars) and Wanua (sarong). As in other traditional weapons, kawali also believed to have magic powers, whether it can bring fortune or misfortune.
Kawali Lamalomo Sugi is a type of dagger motif that has hooks on the blade and is believed to be a weapon that will provide wealth for their owners. Meanwhile, kawali Lataring Tellu which has a three-node motifs in the position of the furnace is believed to bring luck to its owner will be no shortage of food and will not experience the agony of grief. That is why, the dagger is most suitable for those who seek in the agricultural sector.
Badik Caringin Tilu
Bone dagger Kawali Bugis has bessi or a flat blade, pointed tip and forms a little wide in the end, while kawali Luwu have bessi shaped flat and straight. Kawali also have the parts, such as pangulu (upstream), bessi (bars) and Wanua (sarong). As in other traditional weapons, kawali also believed to have magic powers, whether it can bring fortune or misfortune. Kawali Lamalomo Sugi is a type of dagger motif that has hooks on the blade and is believed to be a weapon that will provide wealth for their owners. Meanwhile, kawali Lataring Tellu which has a three-node motifs in the position of the furnace is believed to bring luck to its owner will be no shortage of food and will not experience the agony of grief. That is why, the dagger is most suitable for those who seek in the sector pertanian.Kawali Lade 'nateyai have the prestige of a small circle at the base and wrinkles lined up on the eyes. This dagger is believed to bring sustenance in abundance for the owner. This dagger has a similarity function with Kawali Lakadang that have shaped motif gala at pangkalnya.Salah one dagger is believed to be ideal Kawali Lagemme 'Silampa which has a motive in the form of veins extending from base to tip. It is believed that the owner of the dagger is always going to get the safety and welfare of her life along with all the relatives. Meanwhile, to get the patience, it is believed to have Kawali Lasabbara.Kawali Ilakkoajang is a type of dagger is believed to be the weapon that can bring prestige and the degree that it has a motive tinggi.Badik scratches all over his body. Meanwhile, for those who want a victory in every fight should have Kawali Latenriwale. Dagger that has a motive in the form of oval spots on the edges is believed to awaken the properties never retreat for its owners in every pertempuran.Bila believed there dagger contain goodness, so was the opposite there is a dagger that contain bad luck. Kawali Lasukku badik Ja'na is considered very bad. For anyone, Kawali Latemmewa is a dagger that is not good, because this dagger can not be trusted to maintain dignity and honor of their owners. According to belief, the owner of this dagger will not take the fight despite being slapped by lain.Sejalan people with these beliefs, there is Kawali Lamalomo Malaweng Tappi'enngi who have a stroke arrow motif on the base. Trust, the owner of this dagger is often involved in fornication. This dagger has a trust as opposed to Kawali Lamalomo Rialawengeng. The story goes like this dagger owners often his wife committing adultery with a man who believed lain.Apapun magic powers contained by a dagger, the dagger remains a cultural object that will improve a person's identity, especially for men. As they say about badik Makassar "Teyai bura'ne Punna ammallaki badik Tena" (It's not a man if you do not have a dagger), as well as with the word Bugis "Taniya Ugi narekko de'na punnai kawali" (Not a Bugis if it does not have a dagger) .

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